Georgians for a Healthy Future

Coming up Short: A discussion of affordability, access, & consumer views on policy fixes on October 14th!

Please join Georgians for a Healthy Future and a panel of health care leaders for the Coming Up Short policy forum. You will see the results of Altarum’s Consumer Healthcare Experience State Survey, preview the results from four Georgia regions, and hear from experts about the most promising areas for action to address Georgians’ health needs. The survey asked more than 950 Georgia consumers about their experiences and views on health system issues like affordability, prescription drugs, confidence using the health system, and potential policy fixes. The forum will be held virtually next Thursday, October 14th from 9 – 11 am. Please join us! 

Bring your lunch to the Georgia Voices for Medicaid trainings!

Join Knetta Adkins, Organizing Manager, on the first and third Thursdays in October for the Georgia Voices for Medicaid lunch and learn from noon – 12:45 pm. These will be interactive sessions about health coverage, Georgians with developmental disabilities, and health advocacy. You will learn about who Medicaid covers, how Medicaid benefits the state, and how Georgians experiencing a developmental disability can engage in Medicaid advocacy.

To attend tomorrow or on October 21st, please RVSP below and complete the required pre-survery. Then you will receive the Zoom link needed to attend the event. 

Click here to register for tomorrow’s (10/7) training:

Click Here to Register for the October 21st Training:


50 Hurt Plaza SE, Suite 806
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Phone: 404 567 5016
Fax: 404 935 988

Join us Tuesday, October 12th @ 2pm EST to hear from Fozia Eskew & Hannah Smith on the medical home model

Join us on Tuesday, October 12th at 2 pm EST to hear from

Fozia Eskew & Hannah Smith from the Georgia Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics at our weekly Statewide Parent Education and Support Group meeting. The topic is: Strategies for Including a Child’s Medical Home in the System of Care.

Join us this week to discuss the medical home model, a practice of care that is patient-centered, comprehensive, team-based, coordinated, accessible, and focused on quality and safety, and how this model can be used to provide comprehensive pediatric primary care. Together, we will identify strategies for supporting bi-directional communication between pediatric referral sources and the medical home.

You don’t want to miss this!


Únase a nosotros el martes 12th de octubre a las 2 pm EST para escuchar de Fozia Eskew y Hannah Smith del Capítulo de Georgia de la Academia Americana de Pediatría en nuestra reunión semanal del Grupo Estatal de Educación y Apoyo para Padres. El tema es: Estrategias para la inclusión del Hogar Médico de un Niño en el Sistema de Cuidado.

Esta semana discutiremos el modelo del hogar médico, una práctica de la atención que es centrada en el paciente, comprensiva, basada en el equipo, coordinada, accesible, y se centra en la calidad y la seguridad, y en cómo se puede utilizar este modelo para proporcionar una atención primaria pediátrica integral. Juntos, identificaremos estrategias para apoyar la comunicación bidireccional entre las fuentes de referencia pediátrica y el hogar médico.

Camp Fire Georgia: Summer Camps are Coming

  • After School Programs in Stephens County
  • Haunted Forest – October 16
  • Work Days – October to December
  • Clyde’s New Years Rockin’ Eve Weekend

After School Program in Stephens County

If your child(ren) was enrolled in the Boys Club/Girls Club after school program, please know that the Camp Fire After School program has limited availability. Our staff will be happy to welcome new students!

It's Haunted Forest Time

Saturday, October 16 from 6:00 – 10:00 PM

Haunted Forest has become one of Camp Fire Georgia’s most anticipated events! This family-friendly event sees ghosts, goblins, and ghouls from across north Georgia. They participate in games. There are mazes for the small ones and a haunted house for the older and bolder. Trick-or-Treating, Marshmallow Toasting, a Hay Dig, and more! All parking and admissions will be at Toccoa Creek Baptist Church (1636 Falls Road, Toccoa GA, 30577). Ticket sales will end at 9:00 PM.

Rain date will be October 23. More information here!

Volunteer for Haunted Forest

WE NEED VOLUNTEERS to greet guests, assist with off-site parking and transportation to camp, run carnival games, pass out candy, and more! Great for individuals, youth groups, service organizations, etc. Camp Fire Georgia will gladly provide documentation of service hours for those who need it. More information may be found here, along with the volunteer waiver forms. Please complete and return to Mary McSherry.

Summer Camps are Coming

Camp Fire Georgia is EXCITED about welcoming Summer, 2022. Both day camp and residence camp will be operating, so make your plans now to grab a spot when Camp Toccoa Overnight Camp and Owenyake Day Camp open for registration soon!

Shortly after that, we’ll begin the process of hiring our Summer, 2022 staff! It’s going to be an absolutely incredibly fabulous summer for our staff, with surprises and more!

Wo-He-Lo Work Days - October through December

Camp looks FABULOUS, thanks to the hard work of staff and our amazing volunteers! But there is still more to be done to keep up our beloved property. There is an important work day on October 9th to get ready for Haunted Forest. Lots of general cleaning, most of which can be done with brooms, fittingly.

Additional dates for Wo-He-Lo Work Days are October 23rd, when we will clean up from Haunted Forest and winterize cabins; November 13th, and December 11th. If you can work one of the weekends, please let Sue Edwards know you are coming so that she knows how many people will attend.

If you can’t be in camp on a regularly scheduled work day, let the council know when you would like to come and tasks can be prepared for you and whoever comes with you. (Please arrange that in advance!) If this is your first Work Day, welcome, and please download forms here and return to Mary McSherry!

Clyde's New Years Rockin' Eve Weekend

Clyde’s New Years Rockin’ Eve Weekend will be December 31st – January 2nd. Kids have a great time, and parents get a weekend for their own celebrations. Information coming soon!

Our Promise

Young people want to shape the world.

Camp Fire provides the opportunity to find their spark,

lift their voice, and discover who they are.

In Camp Fire, it begins now.