The UMPS Care Charities All-Star College Scholarship
UMPS CARE Charities, the official philanthropy of Major League Baseball Umpires is offering an incredible scholarship opportunity for youth adopted late in life through our All-Star College Scholarship Program. This scholarship offers $10,000 per year for four years, and on top of funding each student is paired with a Major League umpire as part of their mentorship team to help them succeed in school and beyond! Below you will find more details.
The UMPS CARE Charities All-Star College Scholarship is for youth adopted at or after the age of 13. This scholarship gives students $10,000 per year for a four year institution and $5,000 for a two year institution. To learn more about the eligibility visit our scholarship page. Here is the application which can be saved and returned to at a later date. The deadline for submission is May 13, 2022.
Adulting 101: My First Apartment Workbook- Anthony Stover
GSU New Virtual Training Opportunities for March and April
Visit GACRS “The Adoptive Family Journey” Facebook Group
We invite you to join our forever family Facebook group, “The Adoptive Family Journey.” This group is sponsored by the Georgia Center for Resources and Support (GACRS). It is a site for all adoptive families living in Georgia to connect, share, and learn from other their journey as an adoptive family.
GACRS’ purpose for supporting The Adoptive Family Journey is to have adoptive families share and learn from one another. Adoption is rewarding but has its challenges as well. Feel free to share your heart, your struggles, and your successes.
Silence the Shame- Courtside Chat: March 9, 2022
Thank you for your interest in sharing Silence the Shame’s Teen Mental Wellness Courtside Chat with Chlöe Bailey and Trae Young. In an effort to increase visibility and registration for the chat, STS and the ATL Hawks have decided to postpone the official launch date to Wednesday, March 9, 2022.
We will also be providing additional wellness materials and a discussion guide to further support these efforts. Additional information will be forthcoming regarding time and follow-up.
Students and Parents will pre-register to view the Courtside Chat at:
Georgia Families 360 Training- March 31, 2022
All Children all Families- Flash Forward News Letter
ACAF Project Updates: For programmatic updates, email
Resource Spotlight: Over a majority of LGBTQ+ adults of color in the United States are facing significant mental health challenges today, looking to learn more? Check out HRC’s webpage, QTBIPOC Mental Health and Well-Being for more information and resources.
Upcoming Webinars:
3/16 – Best Practices for Serving LGBTQ+ Parents
3/22 – SOGIE Considerations in Child Protection Services
March Observances:
Bisexual Health Awareness Month,
National Women’s History Month
3/1 – Zero Discrimination Day
3/10 – National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
3/20 – National Native HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
3/21 – National Single Parent Day
3/31 – International Transgender Day of Visibility
Strengthening Your Family Webinar Series
Feb. 18 – Mar. 18, 2022
Presented by Dr. Lynn White Dixon, LCSW
Register Now to examine how the Seven Core Issues in Adoption uniquely manifest in children of color and the families that adopt them transracially. The presentation will include the role that racism, white supremacy and the socially unjust environment present in the United States, plays when parenting children of color. Tools to assist parents in navigating the challenges involved in adopting transracially will be shared.
7:00 – 8:30PM EST
Mar. 11 – Apr. 11, 2022
Register Now! Use coupon code SHAME at checkout to receive your FREE registration.
Presented by Laura Ornelas, LCSW Clinical Social Worker
Children who have experienced loss, separations, and/or trauma often struggle with understanding their past. This tends to leave them feeling like they were responsible, that there is something wrong with them, and/or that the outcome would be different were it not for them. Because they do not have the mental capacity of adults, it can be very hard to explain to them otherwise. Instead, they can be left with big feelings of guilt and shame and inaccurate thoughts that result in low self-worth and poor self-esteem, which can play out over a lifetime in their behavior. Come hear more at this workshop about how parents can address these concerns at their root through simple daily interactions with their child.