Project Amplify

Calling Atlanta-based exceptional people! 

VI Photography and David Carr Photography are partnering for a very special project. We plan to publish a photo book this year featuring exceptional people living with different abilities, participating in our world in an extraordinary way with intellectual, physical, or not so visible challenges.Some disabilities are visual, yet many are not. Either way, misconceptions surrounding disabilities need to be eliminated… And that all comes from knowledge. My friend Kim said, People are curious and want to know, but often just stare. We encourage you to ask questions and greet our children. These questions instead of stares will change the future. Questions lead to answers and answers lead to knowledge.” Our goal with this book is to elevate knowledge. We’re showcasing stories and want to share with the world what is encouraged to say and what is NOT okay to say to these children and their families. We want to share Pictures, Voices, and Stories to give knowledge and promote acceptance.Please consider participating in one of two ways:

  1. Photo & story feature: We are offering a complimentary 15-minute portrait session for exceptional children. The photos will be featured in a printed book. 
  2. Share Your Story: We would love you to share your story. Note, you can share your name or remain anonymous. 

If you’re interested please click the link below. By filling out the form, you will be added to our list of interested participants. We will follow up to let you know if you have secured a spot. Photoshoot dates are planned for 2/20, 3/12, and 3/26.Thank you for considering being part of this most special project! 


All Children-All Families: Field Forward News Letter

Welcome to 2022! Here at HRC we wish everyone a safe and happy new year as we continue fighting for LGBTQ+ equality and inclusion. In this month’s edition of Field Forward, ACAF is excited to share the launch of our 5th annual webinar series! The series covers our usual core curriculum topics and a host of new special topics with expert panels and guest speakers. Download the list of all webinars and descriptions and register today! More details are included below. We also highlight National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day on February 7th and include resources on supporting Black and Brown LGBTQ+ youth.

Webinar Tomorrow, 1/26: “Putting Intersectionality in Practice”

Tomorrow’s webinar will introduce participants to intersectionality and how it informs our efforts to achieve safety, permanency and well-being for all young people. Participants will learn what it looks like in practice for child welfare professionals through videos and case scenarios. Register here

New Webinar Offerings for Foster/Adoptive Caregivers

The ACAF team is introducing a new webinar for foster/adoptive caregivers to continue their journey towards being affirming to LGBTQ+ youth. On May 11th we’ll be hosting “Caring for LGBTQ+ Youth 201: A Deeper Dive for Foster & Adoptive Caregivers,” we hope you’ll share this with the caregivers in your network. A recorded version of the first level of this training, “Caring for LGBTQ Youth” is currently available in our webinar archive for on-demand viewing. In July, we will also introduce “Post-Placement Support for Professionals & Caregivers of LGBTQ+ Youth”. This interactive webinar will focus on the questions, concerns, and challenges a caregiver might encounter as an LGBTQ+ young person in their care grows up.

Special Topics

From now until August, we will host additional special topics webinars. Check out Field Forward every month for all the latest information on upcoming webinars. Here’s an overview of what you can expect: using a racial equity lens to update child welfare practicesnavigating transgender-affirming care using Medicaid/CHIPSOGIE considerations in child protective servicesLGBTQ+ affirming text within doctrines of faith, and an overview of the communities represented by the “+” in LGBTQ+.

Time to Thrive – Last Call to Register

Last chance to register for our 9th annual Time to Thrive national conference! The Human Rights Campaign Foundation in partnership with the National Education Association and the American Counseling Association presents Time To THRIVE, the national conference to promote safety, inclusion, and well-being for LGBTQ youth…everywhere! Our 9th annual conference will be presented virtually on February 9 – 10, 2022. Use ACAFDiscount22 at checkout to get a special rate. We hope to see you there!

LGBTQ+ Youth are Overrepresented in Foster Care. Here’s One Transgender Teen’s Story in Virginia

A 14-year-old transgender girl shared her experiences in the Virginia foster care system and details discrimination she has faced as a member of the LGBTQ+ community. Research has shown that LGBTQ+ youth are overrepresented in the foster care system – many having faced family rejection around their sexual orientation, gender identity or expression as this story highlights. ACAF helps child welfare organizations around the country to address these issues through LGBTQ+ inclusion training, technical assistance and innovative tools including an agency self-assessment process.

Trans People Face New Paperwork Hurdle In COVID-19 Vaccination Cards 

For transgender individuals who already contend with costly documentation changes and barriers regarding health insurance, COVID–19 vaccination records and varying pharmacy rules present a new paperwork hurdle. Requiring patients to report sex assigned at birth for the COVID-19 vaccine forces those with a gender identity and expression that differs from their sex assigned at birth to out themselves in order to have vaccination records. More from them.

Support Trans and Non-Binary Youth By Hosting a Jazz & Friends National Day of Community Readings Event

Jazz and Friends National Day of Community Readings in Support of Transgender and Non-Binary Youth is an annual national reading of affirming, inclusive and educational books that cover the trans youth experience. In partnership with the National Education Association and the American Association of School Librarians, this year’s day of readings will be held on Thursday, Feb. 24, and we want you to be a part of it by hosting an event in your community!

Resource Highlight for National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day 

On February 7th, HRC recognizes National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day. Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) have a critical role in ending the HIV/AIDS epidemic. Data shows that 1 in 5 new HIV diagnoses are among young people between the ages of 13 and 24 years old, with Black and Latinx youth accounting for most. HRC has a variety of resources such as the HBCU Health Directory. Also, Making HIV History + A Pragmatic Guide to Confronting HIV at Historically Black Colleges and Universities is a comprehensive guide for HBCU administrators, staff and students outlining many of the critical steps higher educational institutions can take to help achieve an HIV-free generation.

ACAF Program Updates 

For programmatic updates, please reach out to our team at

Resource Spotlight 

HRC released The Wage Gap Among LGBTQ+ Workers in the United States, an analysis of data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Upcoming Webinars

1/26 – Putting Intersectionality Into Practice

2/8 – Introduction to LGBTQ+ Inclusion

2/17 – Best Practices for Serving LGBTQ+ Youth 


February Observances

Black History Month  2/7 – National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day

Supporting Foster and Adoptive Families of Color: Stories and Strategies from Leaders of Color in Child Welfare Webinar

Thursday, February 17, 2:00–3:30 p.m. eastern time


In this 90-minute AdoptUSKids webinar, presenters will explain why Black and Brown families need unique support from the child welfare system, highlight key strategies for supporting Black and Brown families, and share stories from child welfare leaders with lived experience.


·     Ligia Cushman, MA, national child welfare consultant, AdoptUSKids

·     Roslind (Roz) Burks, MSW, program field representative, Post Adoption Services, OK

·     Ja-Neen Jones, director of adoption and foster care resources, TRAC Services for Families, PA

Audience: This webinar is intended for professionals involved in supporting adoptive, foster, and kinship families of color.


Register now

Social Current News

Honor Martin Luther King Jr.’s legacy by advancing your personal and organizational equity journeyscompensation-150.jpg?r=1496176222414
Yesterday was a time to remember Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s fight for freedom, equity, and dignity of all races and peoples. We must continue to educate ourselves on Dr. King’s legacy and participate in positive social action to fulfill his vision of a just and free society.
“Although we have come a long way in making King’s dream a reality, we still have much work to do to create a truly equitable and inclusive society for all. Social Current is committed to work that will realize our shared dream—an equitable society where all people can thrive,” said Jody Levison-Johnson, president and CEO of Social Current.
EDI Opportunities from Social Current
We’re challenged as leaders to renew the spirit and intentionally lean into our equity journeys in ways that honor the legacy of Dr. King. Social Current offers a continuum of opportunities to support organizations.
If you are seeking to understand your personal relationships with EDI and your organizations’ maturity, the historical context of racism, and how to build organizational EDI action plans, join our Advancing EDI for a More Perfect Union workshop sessions in March, June, September, and November of 2022. If your organization is seeking a more intensive experience and values connecting with other leaders and organizations around EDI, join our 15-month EDI Learning Collaborative.
Resources for National Poverty in America Awareness Month
Dr. King placed such importance on economic justice in his advocacy efforts during his life. As we also recognize January as National Poverty in America Awareness Month, it is important to shine a light on the economic upheaval and stress faced by families and communities due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Social Current has gathered resources, research, studies, and examples from our network on reducing economic inequality and racism.

Join upcoming webinars on workforce resilience
compensation-150.jpg?r=1496176222414Our workforce has struggled greatly throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. The good news is we are learning how to respond to these alarming trends.
In this blog post by Karen Johnson, director of Change in Mind Institute at Social Current, she outlines ideas on building a resilient workforce through brain science. She writes:
“Living and working during a global pandemic has taught us to move from pre-pandemic, top-down employee recognition and self-care initiatives to partnerships with staff that promote brain-based interventions, psychological safety, positive workforce culture, and increased connections.”
Strengthen your organization’s workforce resilience by attending these two upcoming learning opportunities:
Maximize Your Engagement with Social Current in 2022
Join informational webinars this January and February
Social Current offers many ways for those in the social sector to contribute to and leverage the power of our network.
Register for these two webinars to learn more:
  • Social Current Engagement Packages
    Join us Jan. 21 to get a sneak peek of the Social Current Hub, a dynamic online portal designed to help you get the support you need and take advantage of all that we offer, and preview upcoming services, tools, and engagement opportunities. This session is for all staff at organizations that have purchased engagement packages.
  • Social Current SPARK Exchanges (Formerly APEX Groups)
    Join us Feb. 8 to learn more about our SPARK Exchanges, a key benefit of Social Current’s engagement package. Hear from individuals who have been active in these groups and how it’s increased their connection to colleagues and resources.


Get news from Social Current and the sector. Read more articles online.
15-month collaborative to help organizations with their equity goals
Send information to Social Current’s library team by Jan. 31
Increase access to testing with new program from National Association of Community Health Workers
Information gathered from interviews with professionals across U.S.



Voice concerns to your members of Congress in the Policy Action Center.
Federal Update: Senate Considers Voting Rights Reform
Read our biweekly policy roundup by subscribing to the Policy and Advocacy Radar
Participants Needed for Census Bureau Research Study
Interviews to gather information will be conducted until Jan. 31
Take action to affect how these funds are spent
Take action on issues important to Social Current and our sector


Social Current seeks to engage individuals and organizations across the human services ecosystem in a variety of ways. Learn how to engage with us today.
The latest on accreditation and standards
The latest on individual professional development opportunities and enterprise learning solutions
The latest on putting equity and community at the center of your work
The latest on engaging across the human services ecosystem as an individual or organization
Questions? Contact Social Current.
Social Current 
1825 K St. N.W., Suite 600
Washington, DC 20006
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