Multi-Services and Community Supports LLC (M-SACS) is a dynamic organization that puts people first. It is an organization where we provide services to individuals with Special Needs from birth-85 years old. We give everyone the attention and care that is needed to foster independence, integration, individualization and productivity within the community, while honoring each individual’s cultural background and diversity.
Early Intervention Program
Offers coordinated services to children 0-3 who have delayed development and their families.
Comprehensive Case Management Program
Offers coordinated services to People with Special Needs from ages 3-85 who are diagnosis with Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Down Syndrome or Developmental Disabilities.
In-Home Residential Habilitation Program & In-Home Respite Program
Offers Direct Care services to Individuals from 5-85 with Developmental Disabilities and their I.Q. score is below 70. Individuals must reside at home with their family.