Individual Counseling
Family Counseling
Equine Therapy
Naturopathic Services
Energy Healing
Marriage and Couples
Teens and Children
Play Therapy and Art Therapy
Behavioral Management
Emotional Freedom Technique
Parenting Issues
Holistic Healing Approach
CBD Education
​Frequency Microcurrent
Types of Therapy Offered
Traditional Psychotherapy
Traditional Psychotherapy has been used for as long as the profession has been around. It is a set of techniques that help to improve mental health. I use a variety of models under this heading depending on the issues we are dealing with. This may include psychoanalysis, cognitive restructuring, behavioral interventions, gestalt techniques and even confrontational therapies. Education through book suggestions, journal writing, letter writing, and education through handouts are all included in this area. I am a fairly aggressive counselor in that I want to help my clients get better as fast as they are ready to. It is up to the individual to pace themselves.
Nancy Chancey is a certified Clinical Hypnotherapist. Hypnotherapy is extremely useful for a variety of issues. It is one of the best therapies for anxiety, fears and phobias, depression, pain, sleep disorders, and more. Hypnothearapy helps to move the client to a deeper level more quickly to help resolve the issues. I use it for addictions, anger issues, suppressed memories, PTSD, Bi-polar, childhood abuse issues, as well as general relaxation and stress reduction. I have created a CD entitled Deep Relaxation that clients can take home and have their own Hypnotherapy session when they want to.  Listening to the CD helps make changes in the mind, as well as the body to speed healing.
Energy Healing
Reiki is an energy healing system that promotes healing, and helps with stress reduction and relaxation. Reiki is a Japanese word that means “God’s Wisdom and Life Force Energy”. Reiki is hands on healing, and is safe for use with any type of disorder. I have found that my clients have benefited from Reiki for pain related issues, trauma, deep healing, balancing, anxiety, stress reduction, and trauma recovery. It is the deepest level of healing I can offer anyone. It is not a religion, but is based the practice of hands on healing utilized in many religions throughout the world.  Reiki is loving energy that heals on a deeper level than most therapies.  Reiki is a gift to yourself that everyone should experience at least once.   Pranic Healing is similar to Reiki, and utilizes techniques to rid the body of stagnant or negative “CHI” or energy, and then re-balances the body. Pranic healing is very effective for stress reduction, relaxation, releasing negative emotions, resolving aches and pains that have emotional origins, and also helps to speed recovery from injury. It is also effective for healing from any type of emotional or physical trauma.  I offer both of these types of healing therapies to help promote your healing and increase your life force energy. Â
EMDR – Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing. EMDR is a very simple therapy technique useful for a variety of therapeutic issues. It is great for resolving past trauma issues, great for phobias or fears or any issues that may be bothering someone that they are not sure where they coming from. EMDR resolves the issues more quickly than traditional psychotherapy, and usually with less agony on the client. It seems that through moving the eyes back and forth while processing information or trauma and feelings, people are able to let go of stored energy from the trauma that is actually creating the symptoms or problems for the client.
Thought Field Therapy/ EFT/ Emotional Freedom Technique
Thought Field Therapy and EFT are one of the most exciting therapies I have experienced and studied.  It is wonderful for resolving trauma symptoms very quickly. It is based on the Chinese medicine system of energy, and uses components of acupuncture to help move stored energy through the body very quickly. This can be used for anxiety, flash backs, fears and phobias, or any disturbing images that continue to come up that cause unpleasant symptoms in someone. It is a very simple technique that can be taught to anyone and that can be used at home. The exciting thing about this therapy is that it takes usually less than five minutes to reduce or eliminate the uncomfortable symptoms related to a memory or issue.  I also have had great results using EFT or Emotional Freedom Technique.  It is a bit faster at resolving energy unbalances that are linked to emotional or traumatic events.  My clients love it!
Naturopathic Services
Naturopathic Services include counseling on health and wellness issues. It is helpful for most clients in that it teaches them to listen to their bodies and be kind to themselves. It is mostly education and health consulting. I educate my clients about health and nutrition and focus on disease prevention. My belief is that if you educate someone as to what their body needs and why it needs it, they will make better decisions based on this. Nutritional and wellness counseling is done in addition to the other therapies when needed or if requested by the client. I have my Phd in Naturopathy, and have been studying health and nutrition for over 30 years.  My counseling is designed to enhance traditional medicine, not replace it.  As an LCSW, I am able to monitor client medication, but do not prescribe medication. Many of my clients are currently on medication.  As a Naturopath, I am able to give guidance and education as to natural remedies that can help balance the body if the client is open to learning about natural alternatives, but this is not intended to replace traditional medical advice. You should always check with your primary physician before trying natural supplements.Â
Equine Therapy
Equine Therapy is experiential therapy using horses. Â This therapy can have a profound impact on individuals during therapy and even keeps working long after your first session. Â It is effective in moving stuck clients past their issues and into applying what they have learned into their life.
Nancy is certified in the EAGALA model of Equine Psychotherapy, and has found this therapy very effective in helping clients work out their issues in the arena. They have a safe, relaxing setting for clients to come and connect with nature, horses and themselves. The rest just seems to happen effortlessly.  Her farm is Mystic Mountain Training Stables, located in Blue Ridge, Georgia. To learn more about Equine therapy please visit the website.  We hope you’ll come see what all the fuss is about and try Equine Therapy for yourself. You’ll be amazed at what you’ll discover.  We also offer corporate Equine Assisted Learning Sessions which is a wonderful way to team build, have fun, raise moral, work through trust and communication issues and just have an overall amazing time getting to know yourself and your staff on a more intimate level. We customize these sessions for your specific needs so prices will vary depending on that.   Check out our Equine Therapy page on this website to see more information or to book an appointment.