Our new registration system allows you to create an account, enabling you to conveniently track the training you complete along with your certificates. Experience the simplicity of the process by clicking on the provided link to register for our upcoming training opportunities. Questions, email cwtc@gsu.edu.
Check out this learning opportunity, on Thursday, August 24th from 10-11:30
LJoin the conversation with Mandy Noa of Paint Love who partners with schools and nonprofit organizations to empower youth through creative projects (think murals and residencies) that are artist-led and shaped by trauma-informed standards.
Paint Love brings extraordinary arts programming to youth facing poverty and trauma. They envision a world where all young people have access to creative experiences that empower them to imagine a future not limited by adverse experiences.

You can now view past Knowledge to Action Conversations recordings and resources as well as add resources you know about by visiting our site.
Training for Adoption Competency
Download by clicking on the document to share with someone who may be interested in this opportunity or visit the website to learn more information.