Child Welfare Training Collaborative Advisory Council Notes – August 9, 2022

Council members shared the following resources and ask that you please share with the communities you work with as well.

Council members shared the following resources and ask that you please share with the communities you work with as well.


1.     Chanda Floyd-Bryant with Amerigroup asked that the following information be shared with the CWTC Advisory members Amerigroup docs. The documents contain flyers you can share about upcoming community events that address suicide awareness and prevention. If you work with youth who may be interested in showcasing their talent during the Sound the Alarm Talent Showcase, please have them contact Kris Favers @Favers, Kris M. Have them include their name, talent and contact information.  The deadline to register is Sept. 1st


A.     Find Help Georgia-Whether it’s financial assistance, food pantries, medical care, childcare, job training, and other free or reduced-cost services specific to your area, essential resources can be found here. If you want to learn more visit the website or contact Jennifer at


B.     Prevent Child Abuse Georgia also has important information about the Child Abuse Neglect and Prevention plan on their site. Regions in Georgia can become part of a group to help address prevention in their communities. Here is the link to find out more information.



C.    Prevent Child Abuse Georgia is hosting their conference September 14-15. Visit this site to view the conference agenda.


D.    Information on facilitator training for the new Community Café! This free training includes conversation card decks to focus a series of conversations with parents of youth and their children. We still have about 20 slots available for the 8/17 or 8/25 training dates. To learn more:


E.     A book club opportunity to meet and discuss Dr. Dana Suskind’s book Parent Nation



2.     I also shared was a gun safety resource that is a 20-minute training that is great for any adult to know. You can visit this site to find out more information and to bring this training to your community.


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