With our Services:
We specialize in vision therapy to coordinate the eyes and brain for reading, learning, attention, comfort, self-esteem, cosmetically aligned eyes, driving, or sports.
We do not provide routine eye exams, fit contact lenses, dispense glasses or see eye emergencies. We refer for these services. Instead, 100 percent of our attention and effort is centered on vision therapy:
VISION THERAPY EVALUATION: How are the seven visual abilities affecting comfort, cosmetic appearance, and performance for school, work, driving or sports?
DYSLEXIA AND VISION EVALUATION: Our vision therapy evaluation expanded and tailored specifically for reading problems. Is it a vision problem, dyslexia, or both? What steps will make reading more teachable, comfortable, and enjoyable?
CONVERGENCE INSUFFICIENCY: Headaches, eye-strain, blurred or double vision for reading and computer work even though a routine eye exam has found that your eyes are normal or your glasses are correct.
STRABISMUS (CROSSED EYES): For school-age children and adults–straight eyes, improved 3D vision for school, work, sports, or driving.
AMBLYOPIA (LAZY EYE): Patching-free treatment for children and adults— improved acuity in the lazy eye AND improved 3D vision and performance when both eyes are open.
3D VISION: NIGHT DRIVING 3D VISION: NIGHT DRIVING: No more panic attacks! See the signs, road, and other cars for safety and peace of mind.
ADHD & ATTENTION: Visual Problems masquerading as or magnifying attention problems.
3D VISION: SPORTS: Enhanced seeing for hitting, tennis, or reading the green.
GIFTED STUDENTS: Training eyes and hands to keep up with the gift of a fast mind.
AUTISM SPECTRUM: A more stable visual world for children or adults on the spectrum.
CONCUSSION OR STROKE: Putting seeing and the world back together again.