Educational Consulting and Advocacy Services:
Consulting Services
For children struggling academically, behaviorally, and/or emotionally, I help parents by identifying potential school-related services as well as private and community resources to support their child. My consulting services include a comprehensive review of school records to include standardized test scores, grades, psychological evaluations, as well as IEP, 504, and SST plans. I provide a summary of academic progress, content-specific levels of mastery, and make recommendations to parents regarding areas of academic and/or behavioral intervention and support.
School Meeting AttendanceÂ
My advocacy services involve supporting parents by being in attendance at meetings such IEP, 504, SST, and parent-teacher conferences. I assist parents in obtaining records prior to meetings,  identifying specific goals for their child, and providing recommendations for requesting  school-based supports and interventions.  Additional advocacy services include guidance in preparing for Tribunal and DJJ hearings and identifying appropriate legal services for support.
I have 18 years of experience consulting parents and advocating for students in my role as a School Counselor in Fulton, Forsyth, and Hall County Schools.  I have also served as a 504, SST, Hospital/Homebound Coordinator, and Academic Intervention Specialist.  My passion has always been to support students by identifying successful individualized instruction strategies, and to help parents make informed educational decisions by understanding their child’s learning needs.