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Virtual Regional Training: The Dangers of Social Media

Region 7 GA, United States
Virtual Event Virtual Event

This virtual training is designed to provide participants information on the dangers that social media poses to teens and young children. Participants will be given information on those dangers as well as tips and tools to monitor their children’s internet usage. All Participants should RSVP individually even if you will be listening on the same […]


Virtual Regional Training: Helping Your Child Cope with Separation Anxiety

Region 7 GA, United States
Virtual Event Virtual Event

This virtual training is designed to provide participants information on recognizing the symptoms of separation anxiety. Participants will also be given information on how to help their children cope. Presented by: Natasha Hope-Moriarty, LMSW Please complete the Pre-Test by clicking button below BEFORE the training date.


Virtual Regional Training: The Impact of Trauma on Behavior

Region 7 GA, United States
Virtual Event Virtual Event

This virtual training is designed to provide participants information on how trauma plays a role in behavior. All participants should RSVP separately. Presented by: Natasha Hope-Moriarty,  LMSW  


Virtual Regional Training: The Dangers of Social Media

Region 7 GA, United States
Virtual Event Virtual Event

This virtual training is designed to provide participants information on the dangers that social media poses to teens and young children. Participants will be given information on those dangers as […]


Virtual Regional Training: Understanding Post Traumatic Disorder

Region 7 GA, United States
Virtual Event Virtual Event

*All Participants should RSVP Separately and complete the Pre Test Prior to attending the training. This virtual training is designed to provide participants information on Post Traumatic Disorder (PTSD). This training will provide participants information on what PTSD is, how to recognize it in children, and treatment options.    


Virtual Regional Training: Understanding Post Traumatic Stress Disorder: Part 1

Region 7 GA, United States
Virtual Event Virtual Event

This virtual training is designed to provide participants information on Post Traumatic Disorder (PTSD). This training will provide participants information on what PTSD is, how to recognize it in children, and treatment options. Presented by: Tiffany Luke, LPC
