Trending Resources |
This #MondayInspiration was written by Courtney Armstrong, a supervisor in child welfare out of Nebraska. Thank you, Courtney!
Here are a few more favs:
· More than ever, employees are feeling disconnected from their colleagues. The BetterUp Connection Report says this leads to less engagement at work, anxiety, depression, and loneliness. Start building connections with these team-building activities. And if you’re feeling this way, read these strategies for coping.
· Onboarding buddies boost productivity and new employee satisfaction!
· [1-Pager] Should you let that comment slide or address it head-on? Here are some approaches to address it as a target, witness, and perpetrator.
· Toxic positivity puts the responsibility on individuals to endure and persevere in dysfunctional, broken systems. This article shares three ways to prevent it.
· [Brief] Shares recommendations on enhancing recruitment efforts during the current workforce crisis.
· [Brief] Research increasingly shows that policies that expand benefits and improve financial security in households with children decrease neglect reports. Here are some questions to consider when assessing neglect in the context of poverty.
· [Podcasts] Listen to this series about sharing power and engaging with those with lived experience -or- check out these new episodes on building tribal child welfare programs that reflect their community values and culture.

National Foster Care Month |
It’s National Foster Care Month! Help raise awareness about the importance of conversations with children and youth about their mental health needs while engaged with the foster care system. Access resources and follow the hashtags #FosterCareMonth and #StrengtheningMinds. |
Upcoming Webinars |
View our comprehensive list of free webinars relevant to child welfare professionals. Below are a few we wanted to highlight. |