Deep Center uses writing, art, and culture to fuel the creative fires of Savannah’s young people, helping them connect their learning to their lives, their lives to their communities, and their actions to transformational change. We also work with adults in their village to make sure youth are seen in their full humanity, and to identify and advocate for administrative and legislative policies that make Savannah a safe place for all young people and their families.
We currently work with over 800 youth locally and across Georgia, and more than 200 of teachers, adult artists, writers, and community stakeholders every year. Since our small beginnings in 2008, we have supported more than 5,000 young people with our free writing, arts, and leadership programs, and we’ve published more than 130 anthologies of youth and adult work, trained more than 400 local writing mentors, hosted live readings reaching diverse audiences of 15,000, and shared Savannah’s stories around the nation.